
No Lists

Walk in Sales of cacti and succulent plants.
New sales area opened May 2012. This has subsequently been boarded over with scaffold boards and with Two Wests an Elliott stadging. In winter it also houses Agaves, Aloes and Valthemias which spend the summer on outside stadging.

2024 : We are now specialising in growing Cycads from seed and should have some species available for sale next year. We also have an area indoors for germinating cactus and succulent seeds under lights. We have here some species of Stapeliads, Ferocactus and Cerei. More pictures to follow shortly

Open by appointment only as we are not always available.
Please telphone in advance. Branch visits welcome.

Collection Open for Viewing May-November

BCSS Publications available for Purchase

Brenfield House
Bolney Road, ANSTY
West Sussex
RH17 5AW

Tel : 01444 459151

Weather conditions at Ansty, Sussex

Encephalartos trispinosus

swimng pool
Including what is possibly the world's
only swimming pool full of cacti.

Booking Suzanne & Tony Mace to give a talk to a gardening, horticultural club etc